- n. 文具店;文具商
复数: stationers;
stationer 文具商
station,局,所,商店,-er,人。因中世纪时,相比于大多数走街串巷卖小商品的小商小贩而 言,文具店和书店通常在固定场所经营。
- stationer
- stationer: [15] In medieval Latin a statiōnārius was originally a ‘trader who kept a permanent stall’ (as opposed to an itinerant seller). The word was derived from Latin statiō ‘standing, keeping still’ (source of English station), which in the post-classical meaning evolved in meaning to ‘shop’. Such permanent shops were comparatively rare in the Middle Ages.
Of those that did exist, the commonest were bookshops, licensed by the universities, and so when English adopted the Latin term, it was used in the sense ‘bookseller’. It has since come down in the world somewhat to ‘seller of paper, pens, etc’ (a sense first recorded in the mid 17th century), but the earlier application is preserved in the name of the Stationers’ Company, a London livery company to which booksellers and publishers belong.
The derivative stationery dates from the 18th century.
=> station - stationer (n.)
- "book-dealer, seller of books and paper," early 14c. (late 13c. as a surname), from Medieval Latin stationarius "tradesman who sells from a station or shop," noun use of Latin stationarius (see stationary). Roving peddlers were the norm in the Middle Ages; sellers with a fixed location often were bookshops licensed by universities; hence the word acquired a more specific sense than its etymological one.
- 1. Is there a stationer's near here?
- 这附近有没有文具店?
- 2. The poor stationer was at the mercy of those from whom he borrowed money.
- 这可怜的文具商被他的债主们捏在了手心.
- 3. I had heard of him from my stationer -- Snagsby of Cook's Court.
- 我是从文具店老板 -- 库克大院的斯纳斯比那边知道这个人的.
- 4. The law - stationer's establishment is, in Guster's eyes, a Temple of plenty and splendour.
- 在嘉斯德尔看来,法律文具店, 简直是人间天堂.
- 5. Pop along to the stationer's and get me some envelopes.
- 赶快到文具店去一下,给我买几个信封来.